Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tot School

~Smiley is currently 15 months old~

Tot School

I finally put our Easter decorations away early this week and wanted Smiley to have one last opportunity to play with the plastic Easter egg. So, we sorted them into a muffin pan, which I have seen on another tot school blog. I think I may have to keep the Easter eggs out. They are a good tot school tool.

We spent some time playing with his mega blocks and learning how to stack them.

Smiley had fun putting dry pasta into a watter bottle. I was surprised how well he did with it. He really managed to put the pasta pieces into the small opening. Look at his concentrated face though ;) He absolutely loved this activity and we will have to do it again soon!

Smiley had a lot of fun putting straws into this cup.

Saturday, we spent at the 3rd Birthday Party of Smiley's cousin (cowboy theme). We had a great time and there were several tot school opportunities. Smiley loved loved loved collecting all the balls and putting them in this jug (the other kids were supposed to throw them in). He wasn't bothered by the other kids throwing the balls. He just kept on collecting balls and putting them in the jug ;)

If you want to read more tot school posts, visit Carisa at 1plus1plus1equals1.

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