Sunday, April 26, 2009

TOT School

~Smiley is currently 15 months old~

Tot School

We were on spring break last week and didn't consciously do much tot school, although Smiley finds tot school moments everywhere :)

We spent last weekend in San Diego and he got to visit with his cousin, who is only a couple months younger than him. Ohter than that, the weather has been really hot, and daddy took Smiley to the pool on at least four days. Smiley absolutely loves the water and he would stay in it forever ;)

This week, it was back to tot school. He had fun putting his ball into the tube and getting it back out.

He also enjoyed playing with his car garage.

We also worked on transferring these sticks from one cup to another.

If you would like to read more tot school post, visit Carisa's blog at 1plus1plus1equals1.


  1. Glad to hear you had a good time in San Diego! I lovethe stick transfer activity! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ok, the ball in the tube is a great idea! I think I have a tube around here somewhere...
