Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tot School

~Smiley is currently 24 months old~

Tot School

WOW, it's been a while since I posted a tot school post. We were just so busy with the holidays and family visiting that I didn't find time to write a post! However, we still did many tot school activities over the past three weeks.
Christmas TOT School Pack
We continued finishing up our tot school pack right around Christmas. Smiley loved coloring the different packages...
We started out by sorting the different Christmas Trees and then ended up counting them into a bucket ;)
Decorating our Christmas Tree. Very good exercise for fine motor skills :)

Smiley got this Mellissa and Doug Shape puzzle for christmas. He really enjoys this. He is really good at it though, and puts the puzzle together in no time, including naming all of the shapes. I think it's a bit too easy for him. We will have to find some more advanced puzzles soon.

Smiley still really enjoys sorting. Here he is sorting his little sorting animals by color.

... which turned into a pouring activity. Most activities we do eventually turn into a pouring activity, lol.

we got really great buttons in different shapes and sizes at the learning store and did many different activities with these. Here he is sorting them by color.

Gross Motor Skills

LIke most two year olds, Smiley is very active and loves to run around. So, we try to go to the park/playground every day with him. Here are some snapshots of one of those days...
This little tykes car was standing around, so we borrowed it for a little while :)

He always loves the swings!

Children's Museum
We went to a different Children's Museum this week and Smiley had a blast!!

Driving the bus was a huge hit!
Taking a quick rest ;)

He thought the wolf was a doggie ;)


Smiley got a train table for Christmas, which he loved loved loved and has played with every single day!

Also, he's a big time Mickey Mouse fan these days. So, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse his grandparents got for him has been a big hit as well :)


  1. Those are great buttons! I love that they're a bigger size!! So cute that he thought the wolf was a dog and gave it a hug!

  2. Looks like you had a fun week! :)

  3. I am so jealous of your Children's Museum. The nearest one to us is a few hours away. My son would love the wolf too! He is a major puppy fan!

  4. Love all the sorting activities! And, my daughter Maddie would go NUTS for that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!!

  5. What a really great week! Such fun activities :) I love the button sort!
