Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tot School

~Smiley is currently 12 months old~

We practiced spatial and fine motor skills a lot this week. Trying to put things into other things is currently a big hit with Smiley. Here he is fitting his bath octopus into his toy cup.
He actually managed to put his round shape into the correct hole of his shape sorter :)

Most of the time, his shape sorting abilities looked more like this though ;)

He got a new toy at Target this week when we picked up birthday presents for Lorelai and Preston. He loves this Fisher Price mailbox. He was very fascinated with opening and closing the door and inserting and taking out the toy letters.

Smiley got this Fisher price toy as a birthday present from his Godfather Danny. He did surprisingly well with the little hammer.

We practiced his fine motor skills some more with this playskool toy.

Proud of his accomplishment...

"Reading" one of his favorite books (bright baby animals). He particularly enjoys to copy the lion sound (rooooar).

Playing with a "Slinky" at Lorelai and Preston's birthday party.

Make sure to check out more Tot-School posts at 1+1+1=1.

Tot School


1 comment:

  1. We have that exact same book and Krash Loves it too!

    I love the picture of his *proud* face! He is SO cute, I can't wait to watch him grow up through his Tot School experiences!!!! So glad you began this blog!!!
