Smiley had an ear infection this week, so our preschool time was a bit limited. Smiley is a HUGE cars fan and with all the fun transportation themes floating around the blogosphere these days, I knew that we had to join in on the fun as well...
We colored this fun Disney Cars picture that Smiley got for his birthday a month ago...
He built a car with daddy...
I am planning on doing some of the transportation preschool packs next week. Hopefully, Smiley is feeling a bit better by then...
Other Learning Activities...
We continued to do activities from ABC Reading Eggs and worked on our Kumon Easy Mazes book...
He loves to cross the line on purpose. Little stinker...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tot School
~Lovebug is currently 16 months old~
Unfortunately, our little lovebug has been sick for the majority of the week, so we didn't get to do too many tot school activities. Here are some of the things we did:
She continues to really enjoy our peg board:
We also worked with stickers this week, making a little collage. Our lovebug knows many animals and I asked her to find the "cow, pig, etc." and put it on the paper. She really enjoyed this!
We also played a bit with these connectors. This is still a bit difficult for her though, so she quickly lost interest...
Hopefully, her cold will have passed soon and we will be able to do more tot school activities next week...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Preschool~ Solar System
~Smiley is currently 37 months old~
I had planned on introducing our new topic this week; however, Carisa introduced this fun solar system preschool pack last week and it just fit so perfectly into our lessons that I just had to incorporate it. So, we decided to extend our solar system unit for an additional week. I am glad I did, because Smiley had so much fun with this preschool pack.
Here are some of the things from the solar system preschool pack that we covered. (I didn't take pictures of everything).
Smiley cut out the different objects and then sorted them by planets/non planets. He loved this!
We learned new vocabulary...
And we sorted the different planets based on their distance from the sun....
Learning Toys...
We worked with several different learning toys, such as this little animal puzzle...
and beads...Valentines Day...
In honor of Valentines Day we worked on different pink art projects...
And we did a lot of different activities with hearts :)
Sorting by size and colors...Making patterns...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tot School
~Our little lovebug is currently 16 months old~
Here are some of the things that this 16 month old was up to this past week:
She really likes anything that involves fine motor skills. The smaller the items involved, the better...
Putting coins in a piggy bank.
In honor of Valentine's Day, we did several heart/love themed activities. One of them was sorting little foam hearts (from Michaels) into heart shaped cupcake molds (we've had these for a long time). She doesn't really grasp the sorting concept yet, but has fun putting them into containers and then dumping them back out ;)
I also encouraged her to sort our Mickey Mouse Clubhouse memory cards, but again, she wasn't really into the sorting, but still enjoyed adding and removing pieces from the tray... Still a very good fine motor activity ;)
Click on the tot school button above to see what other tots were up to this past week...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Preschool~ LOVE
~Smiley is currently 3 years 1 month old~
Preschool Theme ~ LOVE
In preparation for Valentine's Day next Monday, we focused our preschool activities this week around LOVE. We talked A LOT about love and friendship. We focused primarily on what it means to be a good friend- being kind, sharing, no hitting/pushing, listening, respect... All areas, we're still working on ;) We made Valentine's cards for all of Smiley's friends... He was really into it and told me nice things to write in each card...
We also talked a lot about people who are less fortunate than we are and how important it is to give. We want through all of Smiley's toys and clothes and picked things to give away. We will take everything to a homeless shelter in our area on Monday. The shelter provides a safe place for homeless families, allowing them to stay together and they are always in need of donations. Mom and dad will go through their closet as well and we will also add some toiletry and food items.
We bought a subscription to Reading Eggs a couple of weeks ago and Smiley has enjoyed working on the lessons. He's currently reading three letter words.
These Melissa and Doug puzzles are still a hit too...
Pre-Writing Skills
We did several pre-writing activities this week, such as tracing horizontal and vertical lines...
We did several matching worksheets.
And we worked on our KUMON Easy Mazes book...
Visit Jolanthe's awesome blog to see what other preschoolers did this week...
Or visit Carisa's tot school to see what other tots were up to this week...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Tot School
~Our little Lovebug is currently 16 months old~
Wow, it's been WAY too long since I last posted a tot school post. Things have been VERY VERY busy around here and I just didn't get a chance to be online much. However, we were still very busy doing our regular tot school activities. Smiley turned 3 and graduated from tot school :) If you would like to see what he has been up to check out our first preschool post.
We started working on different sorting activities. This is still a bit difficult for her, but she loves to play with the little critters :)
In preparation for valentines day we worked on matching hearts :)
The kids played at least for one hour with these petals one day. The little lovebug enjoyed putting them in bottles/cups and then pouring them back out. I got them from Ikea a few years ago and they have turned into a handy tot school toy :)
Our little bug is quite the pro with our pegs. I was quite amazed by how well she did with them.
She started to be more interested in our mega blocks as well. Oh, and she loves apples, especially whole ;)
She played with "salt dough" one day. Use equal parts flour, salt and water. She was a bit disgusted by it, can you tell ;)
One of the Christmas presents she got this year.
And here are some pics of our trip to Switzerland, where we spent three weeks around the holidays (partly to blame for my lack of posts recently).